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Just remember that LuaFileSystem needs to be compiled with the same C runtime as the Lua DLL (but the Kepler team provides a win32 binary rock for it, so you do not need to compile it yourself when installing via LuaRocks).

Fabio Mascarenhas

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 3:53 PM, RJP Computing <> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Ralph Hempel <> wrote:
RJP Computing wrote:

Why not use Lua for Windows? It is ready to go. We have done all the work already, except LuaRocks.

After beating my head on this problem for some time now, I am
not sure why I'm not using Lua for Windows either.

On the other hand, I'm using other operating systems besides

I like LuaRocks as a distribution mechanism, so any work I do
that helps get LuaRocks more polished can go back to that project
to help others get LuaRocks going on more platforms.

Yes we can definitely use the improvements your bringing. In fact if LuaRocks could build using MinGW then I think I would switch to creating rockspecs and using LuaRocks for building all the LfW included modules.
RJP Computing