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We are proud to announce the first release of Lua for Windows (LfW). Lua for Windows is a 'batteries included environment' for the Lua scripting language on Windows. Lua for Windows combines Lua binaries, Lua libraries with a Lua-capable editor in a single install package for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Lua for Windows contains everything you need to write, run and debug Lua scripts on Windows. A wide variety of libraries and examples are included that are ready to use with Microsoft Windows. Lua for Windows runs on Windows 2000 and newer versions of Windows. Lua and its associated libraries are also available for other operating systems, so most scripts will be automatically cross-platform.

Modules Included:
    Alien, IUP, CD, IM, Ex, LPeg, Lua-GD, LuaCOM, LuaCURL, Date, LuaDoc, LuaExpat,
    LuaFileSystem, LuaLogging, LuaProfiler, LuaSocket, LuaSQL, LuaUnit, LuaZip, stdlib,
    lrexlib, MD5, Copas, Coxpcall, Rings

    07/08/2008 Version
    + Added Rings module.
    + Added copas module.
    + Added coxpcall module.
    * Fixed a couple of typos in quickluatour.lua.
    ^ Updated to the latest version of luaforwindows.html.
    ^ Updated io_ext.lua to handle backslashes as well as forward slashes
    Legend: '+' = Addition, '*' = Bug Fix, '-' = Removed, '~' = Move, '^' = Updated

RJP Computing