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	Hi Shmuel

adapting it to Lua 5.1.  We gave up and started the development of Rings
-- which is not the same thing -- but it is still usefull in restricted
cases: when there is no need to load a package written in C.

Could you elaborate with regards to restrictions of Rings?
(I'm currently using it for sandboxing, including loading C packages from within rings, and it seems OK.)
	I am sorry, it was a mistake!  It should be:

 We gave up and started the development of Rings -- which is not
the same thing -- but VEnv is still usefull in restricted cases: when
there is no need to load a package written in C.

	By the way, Rings has its own -- different -- restrictions:
the communication between states is done only via strings.  With VEnv
it is easy to share any table, function or userdata, but with Rings you
have to serialize these types as strings.  A userdata is converted to
a lightuserdata and it could (I think) be reconstructed at the other side.
Functions with upvalues are other difficult kind of serialization...
