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For non virtual methods (and assuming the object has a non-virtual
constructor), yes, if the ABI for your C++ compiler passes the this
pointer as an extra parameter. But if there is an uncaught C++
exception you are in trouble...

Proper treating of C strucutres comes first in my todo-list for Alien.
:-) It would be nice if all C APIs where like Lua's and used only the
primitive types, with all structures being black boxes, but in the
ugly real world you are lucky if most of the API "functions" are
actual functions instead of C macros.

Fabio Mascarenhas

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Javier Guerra <> wrote:
> On 2/14/08, Fabio Mascarenhas <> wrote:
>  > No. For C++ you are much better using a source level tool such as
>  mmmhh.... what if somebody wrote a namemangler in Lua? would that be enough?
>  --
>  Javier