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steve donovan wrote:
> On Jan 23, 2008 1:10 PM, Asko Kauppi <> wrote:
>> Your writing was a good one, and the quality of macros / syntax mods
>> clearly is of importance.
> What is entertaining is that there are probably more people working on
> Lua preprocessors than are actually using them!  I find myself
> curiously resistant to eating my own dog food and using LuaMacro for
> my own projects, because I write code assuming that it will read and
> executed by other people.

I find it easier to split my expectations into two: one for "Lua
for production stuff", and another for "Lua-related research and
exploration". Thus from my point of view, adoption of such
techniques in production is not really necessary in order to call
such exploratory or research activities beneficial or successful.

So, I think we should set our expectations in such a way that
allows for such exploratory work. Stuff have to be tried out,
mistakes have to be made and lessons learned. I find the
discussion informative, and comparisons are good, but it is too
early to declare victors and too early to be talking about
widespread production use.

I look forward to more discussions on the list and reports of more
exploratory efforts. Adoption of such things in production stuff
ought to come naturally; these things can't really be forced. So
we should really keep our expectations in check and in the proper
context. Let's not fall into the trap of hubris. Consider the
organically-grown HTML standards versus the theoretical academic
perfection of the Semantic Web standards. That's a fine example of
hubris. Being the practical people that we are, we need multiple
point of views, multiple implementations, multiple ideas, so it's
good to keep the discussion going amicably.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia