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  Very interesting this link. Another day I was wondering why MingW was
stuck on gcc 3.

  Also good to know that Python use the new RTLs:

For Python 2.4 or 2.5, you want MSVCR71.DLL
For Python 2.3 or older, you want MSVCRT.DLL

  About the gccmrt script, it is that simple. When you compile, you are
using the MingW headers. I think those headers are more behaved and simply
works for any MSVCR*.DLL.

  I did not know, but MingW can link with any of the available msvcr*.dll.
This is new info for me. THANKS for the link!

  I downloaded and installed the package to check the script and the
libraries. Still don't link anything yet but just to clearify that using the
script is not the same as a stub. MingW still always link to a
"libmsvcrt.a", what the script does is to replace the library file by the
RTL you selected. It is simply a file copy. It still creates a direct
dependency to the RTL you selected.

  Anyway, this could change our options to (for instance):

Mingw -> msvcr8.dll
Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition -> msvcr8.dll

  Although many users still use Visual Studio 2003, or MSVCR71.DLL.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Diego Nehab
> Sent: quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2007 18:39
> To: Lua list
> Subject: Re: LuaBinaries executables for msvcr80.dll?
> Hi,
> > MinGW can in fact link against any msvcr* 
> >
> > contains it as part of its distro...
> Now, this is the type of project I am looking for. I am a bit 
> skeptical, though, by the description:
>      How gccmrt works (and why it works)
>      gccmrt works by simply overwriting libmsvcrt.a with the
>      version you requested. The original version is always around
>      anyway (it's the one called '60' in the help screen).
> We know it can't be this simple, right? It has to change the 
> includes too. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
> []s,
> Diego