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> #1 I have an open file dialog that starts in a specific 
> folder the first time it is called, but on subsequent calls I 
> want it to remember the folder of the last file that was 
> selected. I tried adding nochangedir = "NO" to the 
> iup.filedlg statment but that didn't work:
> open_dlg = iup.filedlg{dialogtype = "OPEN", title = "Open Lua Script",
>                       filter = "*.lua", filterinfo = "Lua Scripts",
>                       directory=exepath().."\\scripts", 
> nochangedir = "NO"}

  If this is in Windows, the system controls the start up directory with a
weird algorithm.

  But I think you can get what you want by just removing the "directory"
attribute from the next calls.

> #2 When using a multiline element, are there any formatting 
> codes I can put in the text to make a single word or line 
> show up as a different color than the rest of the text?

  No. It will be when the IupScintilla control becames ready.

> #3 Is there a way to make a multiline show line numbers on 
> the left side of the frame?

  No. You can add the numbers to the text or you can add another control to
do that and handle the CARET_CB callback of the multiline.

> #4 Is it possible to have sections of a single text buffer 
> show up in different tabs without actually splitting the text 
> into separate multiline buffers?


 BTW, if your questions involve only IUP issues, although using IupLua, I
suggest you to send e-mail only to to avoid
increasing even more the traffic in the Lua list. Ok? Thanks.
