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Renato Maia wrote:
Hi Hakki.

On 9/17/07, Hakki Dogusan <> wrote:
What is the status of this library? Latest news is one year old..

Actually the LOOP class models are really very simple (except the
models with inheritance cache), therefore there is not much work to be
done about them (maybe until next Lua version ;-) and since I haven't
found any bugs nor other people have ever reported any problems with
them I had no real need for updates.

I was expecting that. I read LOOP code today, then reached a conclusion that "alfa" status should be for something else ;)

> In fact, over the last year I
have only included one single new operation for introspection
purposes. Maybe, the most useful thing I could do about them right now
is to write a better documentation talking about when they might be
useful and, most important, when they might not be. ;-)

Yes, please! If you can add simple usage examples it'll help.

On the other hand, the class library included in the LOOP package have
become considerably large and complex over the last years and I've
found *numerous* bugs and other problems related to them. But since
they are provided as "examples" of the LOOP models (maybe a too large
example :-) and I haven't received any feedbacks on them I didn't
bother to update the package. However, I have all their bugs fixed and
they are actually available (very well hidden indeed ;-) inside the
OiL <> working releases published in the
LuaForge website <>. Anyway I
already have an updated documentation for these classes so I may
hopefully update the LOOP package and website any time in the near
future, but you shouldn't expect effective changes in the class

Thanks for your interest.

I've downloaded oil-0.4-work8.tar.gz; I'll investigate LOOP from there.


Hakki Dogusan