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A very good example would be the LOOP library at

Varol Kaptan

On 8/30/07, Michal Kolodziejczyk <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I woul like to write some classes (to get some OO and inheritance),
> which could also be modules (to get autoload and "dotted" names
> notation). What is the way to accomplish it?
> I would like to have something like this:
> --- class/class1.lua ---
> require('Object')
> local Object=Object
> module('class.class1', subclassOf(Object))
>   function constructor(self) print("I am a class1 ctr") end
> --- class/class2.lua ---
> local class1=require('class.class1')
> module('class.class2', subclassOf(class1))
> -- test.lua --
> C2=require('class.class2')
> obj=C2:new()
> -- expected result: "I am a class1 ctr"
> Is it possible to implement something like this in pure lua? Where
> should I start? Should I redefine module/require, or is there another
> way? I could do it if module(name, func1, ...) could call func1 with a
> parameter (e.g. parent class) or with "self", but it cannot.
> Regards,
> miko