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You could define HUGE_VAL as FLT_MAX or DBL_MAX depending on the floating point precision you are using.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Tom Miles
Sent: 28 August 2007 17:11
To: Lua list
Subject: RE: HUGE_VAL issues linking a C++ program with Lua compiled as 'C'


I had exactly the same problem as you, but i'm afraid to say that to get around it I disabled that bit of functionality in the lua math library.  Dirty, but it worked! 


From: [] On Behalf Of RJP Computing
Sent: 28 August 2007 15:44
To: Lua list
Subject: HUGE_VAL issues linking a C++ program with Lua compiled as 'C'

I am having a lot of problems building a program with Visual C++ 8.0 (VS2005) because I am compiling Lua as 'C' and my application is written in C++. I am building Lua as a static library. I am using Windows XP SP2 and Lua 5.1.2. Now I have searched and searched to get some help and I can't figure out how to get the settings correct to actually link. Here is the error message:

unresolved external symbol __HUGE referenced in function _luaopen_math

It is referring to HUGE_VAL in the 'lmathlib.c'

lua_pushnumber(L, HUGE_VAL);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "huge");

I haave tried compiling it myself in the solution as well as using the LuaBinaries and I get the same result.
RJP Computing



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