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Robert Raschke wrote:
Philippe Lhoste wrote:
In other words, do somebody know some alternative implementation, or has done some detailed analysis of this algorithm or have some other material I could use?

I have found the book about the implementation of Icon to be extremely
well written, concise and clear:

The Implementation of the Icon Programming Language
Ralph E. Griswold and Madge T. Griswold
Princeton University Press, 1986
ISBN 0-691-08431-9, out of print
It is available online at

In it you will find a lot of information on how to write an
implementation of associative arrays and the like.

And then you could find other things that Ralph Griswold has done


Yes, it's SNOBOL4! The crazy macro processing language we learned
in CS10x 25 years ago at the University of Waterloo. I blame
this course on my lifelong fascination with interesting little
languages like Forth and Lua...

I just love how the great programmers and language designers
seem to keep coming up with interesting ideas.


Ralph Hempel