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Hello there,

I am trying out Lua because I am looking for a language to call Linux
libraries without having to do much C programming. I read the
documentation and I understand Lua itself (mostly) but so far, I have
problems running even the most basic Lua/C interface example from the
Lua book at:

I copied the program at to lua.c
file. Then I compiled it:
gcc -I/usr/include/lua5.1 lua.c -llua5.1 -o test

The compilation produces no errors but when I run the "test", I get
immediate Segmentation fault.

I have Ubuntu Dapper Drake with the default lua5.1 package and
lualib5.1 library.

The compiler and other libraries all are the basic stuff included with Ubuntu.

Frantisek Fuka (yes, that IS my real name)
(and it's pronounced "Fran-tjee-shek Foo-kah")
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