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On 4/28/06, Diego Nehab <> wrote:
> I am waiting for some docs about module and require. It
> seems that all that exist are some emails with the
> specifications.

There is an official description about it in the manual

Is there a *simple* C library that shows an implementaion of the C
side of this. I've looked at some of the ones on LuaForge, but they
use a compat51 script which I'd rather avoid and just do it the 5.1
way. Of course maybe I'm not understanding what compat51 is really

And, of course, we are all here to help you!

Having wxLua and any other widget toolkits working with as
smoothly as possible is important, so I am sure everyone
will be as helpful as possible.

I agree, thanks in advance for your help.

   John Labenski