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> Diego wrote:
> I don't think we are understanding each other. There are *no* API
> changes between LuaSocket 2.0 and LuaSocket 2.0.1. It's a
> bugfix version and an upgrade to Compat-5.1r5. We agree on the versioning

Right, sorry for the noise

> Now suppose LuaSocket 2.0 did /not/ support Lua 5.1, but only Lua 5.0.
> And suppose LuaSocket 2.0.1 supported Lua 5.1. How is the
> user supposed to know about this? Reading the manual? Should I release it
> as LuaSocket 2.1 instead? This wouldn't make sense, there were no API
> changes as far as Lua code is concerned.

Here is the subtle part. Does your 2.0.1 version support 5.1 only, or both
5.x? See below.

> This is the point. A library can support the same Lua side API
> throughout different Lua releases. How do we associate version numbers
> to such a library?  Ideally, the user would be able to tell
> *both* what is the Lua side API compatibility and what Lua versions are

I agree with that too. I was just pointing that while your source runs in
both 5.x versions, there was no need to separate the distribution packages.
On the other hand, once it does not run on both versions you'd have two
branches of code, therefore two different packages.

And yes, in that case the packages could be called luasocket-2.0.1-lua50.tgz
and luasocket-2.0.1-lua51.tgz, that is clear enough I guess.
