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On Friday 10 March 2006 12:40 am, Mark Hamburg wrote:
> Here is a short overview of the system we're using in Lightroom. It isn't
> as simple as what Javier has proposed but it shares some similarities. It
> also has evolved over time and has not had the opportunity to undergo as
> many complexity-reduction passes as it probably deserves.

i saw the description in the Adobe presentation, it was one of the case points 
i considered while designing my package.  it seems your system manages the 
much more general case about running Lua code in parallel. I still think the 
best way to get that should be something like LuaThreads, but with a much 
finer mutex handling.  unfortunately, that would mean a very deep analysis of 
the tables and stack handling core.

my package is simpler because it limits what can be done in 'background' code: 
it shouldn't touch the Lua State.  that's enough to write C glue code to 
blocking libraries without freezing the Lua code.


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