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On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 21:38 +0100, Wim Couwenberg wrote:
> > We also need to start nailing down dates a little more, so I am
> > proposing that we consider the week of the 15th May.
> that's a little earlier than I'd expected, but this date suits me,
> personally at least.  I'll have to check if this can be arranged at
> Oce as well of course.  For the moment I'll assume that it will indeed
> be a two day workshop, just as last year's.

Obviously if Océ can't do that week then we'll have to move it. I think
assuming a two day conference is best. I'm certainly hoping for more
than one day of content.

> As soon as I have some more info I'll get back to you.


> P.S.: Is there any consensus on the location yet?  Any news from
> Berlin (Juergen?)

There has been no news of Berlin reaching me or the wiki page.

> P.P.S.: I feel some pressure to give a talk.  :-)  Our (Oce) Lua
> projects are a bit of a mixed bag however, so I'll have to think some
> more about a talk that can actually be slightly entertaining (or
> informative.)

I'm sure that anything you can present about will interest at least some
people. I'm hoping that Roberto will do a repeat/refinement of his lua
5.1 talk so that people who didn't get to the last conference will get
to hear it.

Thanks for the update and I hope Océ are amenable to nailing down some
dates (at least in a provisional sense)


Daniel Silverstone               
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