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OOOoooo... sounds too easy!! I'll try it out. Cheers!

Marcus Brown wrote:

* David Morris-Oliveros <> on Mon, Oct 10, 2005:


I'm on my next stage of integrating lua into our engine, and have come to a point where it would be wise to ask for advice.

I want each coroutine to have their own individual global table. I know that you can do this by creating a new table, filling it with whatever you want, and doing a lua_setfenv().

Now, when I bind my code into lua, i create all sorts of tables and cfunctions in the global table. I still want these new coroutines to be able access my bound tables and cfunctions.

I'm doing the same exact thing in our project - creating a seperate global
namespace for threads with access to the real global table.

Just create your thread's global table, and give it a metatable with the
__index metamethod pointing to the global table:

   namespace = setmetatable({}, {__index = _G})

In C this would look something like:

   int metatable = lua_gettop(L);

   lua_pushvalue(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);
   lua_setfield(L, metatable, "__index");    /* {__index = _G} */

Then set this as the metatable of your namespace.

I believe this was mentioned in PIL, section 14.3.

// David Morris-Oliveros
// Camera & Lua Coder
// Team Bondi

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