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Feel Free to ignore all my replys.

On 6/14/05, Leonardo Luigi Giacomet <> wrote:
I haven't found the Source code though, that'd help a lot. And by a lot i mean REALLY A LOT.
Other than that, it looks cool.

On 6/14/05, Leonardo Luigi Giacomet < > wrote:
I'd be happy to try it, but since i know nothing about protocols, thus, nothing about MSN protocol, it will take a while :D

On 6/11/05, paul bragiel < > wrote:

We've released a new universal instant messenger
(along with a few other features for location) to the
public.  We're doing all the scripting for the
protocols using Lua.  At this point we have AIM and
ICQ implemented, however we're looking to get some
outside help to get Yahoo and MSN implemented as well.
Anyone interested in joining our project?  All the
code will be distributed as open source and the
creator would take full credit for his work.

You can download hte client in its beta form
currently.  Within the install director you will see
the open AIM & ICQ scripts.


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