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On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 00:38 -0700, Richard Ranft wrote:
> I just went back to January 17th and couldn't find a single anonymous post
> in my archive.  I wonder if the mailing list is bouncing through a remailer
> somewhere or something.  Or perhaps my rules are filtering them out - though
> they don't show up in my trash....

Well, the ones I can spot in my current lua-l box, where people are
using an alias or just one name (it could infact be their entire name)

mos <>
Stukov <>
Alain <>
jym <jym@Cs.Nott.AC.UK>
Tomas <>
Nick <>
PA <>

And that's just going back to the end of April.  Were they filtered?

If we're going to be whinging about things like this, can I also make
known my displeasure about people top posting, people posting HTML, and
people having outrageously large signatures, much larger than the
commonly believed 4-line maximum? :)

Rob Kendrick, Pepperfish Ltd.         +44 (0)845 226 4146
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