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i have been using 				connection->SendUserInputString()
successfully with a h323 connection.
- the call vectors through to H323Connection::SendUserInputString()

when using a sip connection, the call vectors to OpalConnection::SendUserInputString(), and then to rfc2833Handler::SendTone()

it then fails at rfc2833.cxx line 106 :

  if (transmitState != TransmitIdle) {
    PTRACE(1, "RFC2833\tAttempt to send tone while currently sending.");
    return FALSE;

any clues as how to send text on a sip connection ?

ps minor error : i think that h323.cxx line 5024
PTRACE(2, "H323\tSendUserInputTime('" << tone << "', " << duration << ), using mode " << mode);

should be
PTRACE(2, "H323\tSendUserInputTone('" << tone << "', " << duration << ), using mode " << mode);
