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On 4 Dec 2004, at 4:33 pm, Adrián Pérez wrote:

El 29/11/2004, a las 3:12, Johann Hibschman escribió:

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 16:46:33 +0100, Adrián Pérez <> wrote:

Yeah, "dynamicity" started with Lisp a long, long time ago...
(but Lisp is not compiled to machine code).

Now you've done it.  You've angered the Secret Lisp Masters.  As a
long-time lisp junkie and medium-long Common Lisp fan, I have to tell
you that all commercial Common Lisps are compiled to rather efficient
machine code.


I did _not_ say that Lisp is inefficient, I just said that it _is_ dynamic. I know that both worlds can live together (think about Objective-C). In fact some functional languages can be *even faster* than C (side note: is great).


No, but what you did say was that "but Lisp is not compiled to machine code" which is clearly wrong.

You'll wake up to find the car of a horse in your bed (it's a lisp joke, albeit a rather bad one).

Java: There is only so much you can do in a straight jacket