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  You could always use Hungarian Notation like a good little coder.  :)

  counters = {nIn=1, nOut=2}

  Dan East

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of D Burgess
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:56 AM
> To: Lua list
> Subject: in
> The manual states that "in" is a reserved word.
> My question is whether it would be difficult to enhance the 
> parser so that "in" could be used as a variable in (there we 
> go again) some circumstances.
> I find myself often coding table variables with a name of "in".
> e.g.
>  counters = {in=1, out=2}
> Does anyone know how difficult this would be to change?
> db