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Hi everybody,

As I start programming in Lua, i found the lua-mode for Emacs. But I does not support a very usefull behavior that other modes such as C-mode supports : comments. Let me explain : I want my code lines not to be more that 72 caracters long. For that, I use the fill-paragraph command (via the M-q shortcut). In Lua, you must prefix a line by '--' to make it a comment, but after M-q-ing, the other lines are not prefixed.

After looking a little deeper in the fill-paragraph help in Emacs, it seems that it can call fill-paragraph-function if the one provided is not nil. But the lua-mode does not have one.

Do you know where I can find a lua-mode that supports this feature ?
Thanks in advance,

- Sam
[ identity: maxime petazzoni aka sam -+- ]
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