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> Isn't there a file
> extension that is used for static libraries, like ".a" on UNIX?

No. The same extension is used for both static and import libraries.

> Also, on other scripting languages installed on Windows, what are the 
> usual names for the library files? I believe we could model 3rd party 
> library file names after those used by other languages.

It's not so usual to distribute both dynamic and static libraries.
I did a quick research:

Tcl: tcl84.dll, tcl84.lib (import), tcl84s.lib (static)
Php: php4ts.dll, php4ts.lib (import)
Ruby: msvcrt-ruby18.dll, msvcrt-ruby18.lib (import),
msvcrt-ruby18-static.lib (static)
Perl: perl58.dll, perl58.lib (import?)
Python: python23.lib (static?)
Mysql: libmysql.dll, libmysql.lib (import)
Sqlite: sqlite.dll, sqlite.def

There is no standard or concensus. :-(

-- Danilo