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I've looked into this issue a little more, but haven't made any progress.  In lua_resume() in ldo.c, this line appears immediately before the call to luaD_rawrunprotected:

  lua_assert(L->errfunc == 0 && L->nCcalls == 0);

Is there a fundamental reason why coroutines cannot have error functions?  I suppose I could try it and see, which is probably what I will do next. ;)

Note that wrapping the coroutine func with pcall() is not an option, since it is not possible to yield across the C-call boundary.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jasmin Patry 
> Sent: February 25, 2004 5:05 PM
> To: Lua list (E-mail)
> Subject: Stack trace of errored coroutines?
> An (apparently unanswered) email to this list a few months 
> back asked a question that I now am seeking an answer to:
> In short, I am wondering how to register an error handler 
> with coroutine.resume so that I can obtain a stack trace to 
> the location of the error inside the coroutine.  This doesn't 
> appear to be possible using the standard libraries supplied 
> with Lua.  Has anybody written their own version of 
> coroutine.resume that works this way?
> Cheers,
> Jasmin