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Ivan wrote:
> check if I'm using the latest version of IupLua4. At first I thought
> that I wasn't. When I downloaded the "Iup 1.9.1 with Lua 3 and 4"
> package, the dates of the IupLua4 files were May 20, which is just 3
> I installed it, but a windiff on the old and new files showed that there
> are no changes compared to the previous beta version that I had. I
> suppose the beta version has been simply included with the main
> distribution, without changes.


First, I appologize if the answer to those questions goes a little off
the list topic, but since it has to do with the Lua binding here it

Although the files you downloaded are from May 20, they are from the 
previous version. We recompiled it internally because of a system 
upgrade. That explains also why the diff showed nothing.

> days ago (btw, a simple News section on your website would help users
> learn when new versions are released).

We have it at:

and we are working on a new link with information about bugs/new
being worked on (today we only have it internally.)

> The major problem with the Lua4 binding that I find is that the binding
> is out of sync with IUP. It seems that an older version of the Lua3
> binding (or IUP itself) has been used to create the Lua4 binding. The
> examples I can give are related to the Tree control, which I'm using the
> most, but there may be other:

It is only partially true, and we are working on a way to keep it more
to date. You will find that most problems are with callback parameters,
but in the other hand, they are pretty easy to be solved.

> - In IUP the 'afterselection' and 'beforeselection' callbacks have been
> replaced with a single 'selection' callback. In the Lua3 binding this is
> reflected, while the Lua4 binding still uses before... and after... As a
> result, one cannot define any tree selection callback.

You are right, it has been fixed for next version.

> - The Lua3 binding has the very needed IupTree(Get/Set)TableId functions
> (which are also described in the history of changes in the docs), while
> Lua4 doesn't.

I'll look into it.

> There's also a bug in the IUP windows driver - if there's a separator
> item in a menu and the mouse passes over it, IUP crashes (there should
> be an assert failure, but it seems the assert calls something else which
> crashes). It can be easily fixed by changing line 1249 in winproc.c to
> n = si ? iupwingetmenuIhandle((int) si) : 0;

It is fixed for IUP 2.0.
> - The mouse wheel does not scroll the Tree window

Good idea.

> - An option to have resizable frames in the HBox and VBox controls

This is been worked on, although it will take a little longer to be

> - Global keyboard shortcuts. Currently the menu shortcuts work only
> while the menu has the focus. There should probably be a way to add
> global accelerators, which can call different interface elements. In the
> beginning, calling menu items regardless of the current focus would be
> enough.

Have you tried using the IUP_K_ANY callback?

I will send you a stable version of IUP 2.0 as soon as I have it.


|\/|ark Stroetzel Glasberg

System Analyst
Tel:  55 21 2512-5984 ext. 116
Fax:  55 21 2259-2232