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I am hoping this will be my last problem with my port from 
the older Lua 4.0 to the newer Lua 5.0 version.

So far my "__index" hook is nearly working as a replace for 
the older "setglobals" approach.

But the latest glitch is with the following type of Zeus

  function key_macro()
     local int test = strlen("test")

  key_macro() -- run the macro

In this case as before the zeus_hook gets called and as before 
it passes the call on to zeus_function for processing.

But the problem is the "strlen" function is a Lua function and 
not a Zeus function :( 

With the older "setglobals" approach it would appear that Lua 
would filter these calls from me, as the zeus_hook was only 
called for symbols that where unresolved to Lua.

With this newer approach I am getting all function calls which 
I guess is the expected result since this is the whole idea of 
the "__index" hook.

So currently when I the zeus_function is called with "strlen" I 
just terminate the macro with an unknown function error.

I also tried ignoring the unknown functions by just returning, 
but that approach just generates an alert :(  My guess is just 
returning is leaving the stack in an unstable state.

So my question is how would I determine if the symbol is 
meant for Lua or is an unresolved symbol meant for Zeus?

Is there some way to only hook into unresolved symbols? 

What I really want is a way to have Lua handle most cases, and 
then only call my code if it can't find a function.

Or do I try to run the function in the zeus_hook:

  int MacroLua::zeus_hook(lua_State *L)
    // ??? need check for Lua functions?

    //--   in: table, index
    //--  out: closed zeus_func

    //-- copy global name
    lua_pushvalue(L, 2);

    //-- bind it to zeus_func as upvalue
    lua_pushcclosure(L, zeus_function, 1);

    return 1;

and then then only pass the unresolved calls onto the 

Thanks in advance.

Cheers Jussi