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Jean-Claude Wippler wrote:
> "Nick Trout" <> wrote:
> >  * It has the largest widget set.
> >  * It's the most portable.
> >  * It is very well supported and has a large community [...]
> >  * wxStyledTextCtrl which is basically Scintilla [...]
> >  * It has SWIG support [...]
> What is the reason to ignore Tk?
> (Just trying to understand, rationally - don't get upset, please)
> -jcw

None reall, other than that no one has tried to make Lua bindings of it,
aFAIK. The other toolkits already have some wich we might recycle.

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer