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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Spernau []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 5:41 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Re: wxWindows vs. FLTK
> > > What is LED? Thanks.
> Does anybody here have real exerience using it?
> I had a look some time ago and couldn't really figure it out, 
> which might be
> due to the fact that I wasn't really deep into Lua by that time.
> It being c-based and having a real close connection to Lua 
> anyway (license)
> would be a nice factor.
> -Martin

I used it (actually, iuplua) for a couple of small applications.  IMHO, it
blends in VERY well with lua.  It didn't feel like I was using a "grafted
in" binding to a gui library.  It felt more like part of lua itself.  It has
some cool widgets like the table widget, which I used a lot for a
multi-column listbox.

The only real complaint I had about it was that it "looked" a little old.
What I mean by that is that the look of applications (at least on Windows)
looked a little old fashioned.  Of course, that might have been the result
of my inexperience with IUP (or maybe my lack of artistic talent!).  I
understand that they are working on a new version of IUP that will probably
be addressing these issues.

Mark Stroetzel Glasberg, one of the guys working on IUP, was my main point
of contact and he was extremely helpful.  In fact, being "C" illiterate, I
could never get the thing compiled on Windows, so he built me a custom
interpreter with lua, iuplua, luasocket, and luasql. 

What you guys are proposing to create would be great for lua.  One of the
reasons I stopped using lua is that I could never get an interpreter built
with all of the extensions I wanted.  I wish you guys success!
