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Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
> This is ok in 5.0. You can do anything from a __gc method (even call
> the garbage collector again).

Oh, that's good news!

> > In the absence of known bugs in lua 5.0a itself which might be to
> > blame,
> Actually, I found a very weird bug while developing 5.0b that may be
> related to your problem. As far as I could understand it, that bug was
> not present in 5.0a, but I am not completely sure about that. (The
> bug was almost impossible to reproduce; any tool [debbuger, valgrind]
> changed its behavior.) Anyway, we simplified some stuff in 5.0b (now we
> hope we can understand it ;-), so maybe you may wait for it to check
> whether your bug vanishes. (At most one more week, I hope.)

Okay, I can certainly survive waiting a week to see if that
clears things up.  :)  Thanks a lot for your help!

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   co:3