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Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
> Just to make sure: you only need this adaptation if you want "localized"
> identifiers. If you want extra characteres only inside strings, you
> don't need to change anything inside the Lua core (except perhaps to
> redefine `strcoll'?). It should work with UTF-8 strings out of the box.
> -- Roberto

Yes, that is exactly what I ment.

And you are correct, the Lua core 
works out of the bowx with UTF-8 strings. strcoll() will
work correctly for the standard "C" locale, and should 
probably also work in various other locales that use 
8-bit wide characters. 

Of course, on some sytems, an UTF-8 locale for charact
types is available. If this UTF-8 locale is available, then no changes 
are needed to the LUA core at all to support UTF-8 identifiers. 
But that UTF-8 locale is missing on many systems, including my 
current home linux box and probably on win32 as well. Modifying
the lua core to support UTF-8 identifiers is more of a portability 
concern than anything else.

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer