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----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Stone" <>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: RE: exporter

> > I'm new to lua, and I'd like to make a generic class and method exporter
> > into lua...
> > I'm looking for examples...
> > do you have any links for me ??
> If you're talking about generic in the C++ template programming sense, you
may get some inspiration from the Boost Python Library:  I haven't used it myself but it
sounds pretty good -- and they have high standards at Boost.  (The rest of
Boost is worth a look too if you're not aware of it.)  I don't know about
any existing Lua ones (having to use C for my Lua project :-( ).
> Martin.

no in fact I would like to make something like The Flat Four Engine
(, which is, I think, a pretty good example
He uses macro to export dynamicly class and methods from C++ to lua
but the engine is pretty complex to understand, I think too :), and I would
like to know if a simplest example exists ... ??

tolua is to "global" for me, it exports everything, I haven't any control of
what is exported (because all is exported !)