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Email and tell him that Tim sent ya. He and I worked on a
free cross platform file system that works in win32 and mac. I had thought
that clanlib had some sort of crossplatform (all clanlib supported
platforms) file system themselves. He can send you filesys assuming that my
belief that it was free is in fact true.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Rozek" <A.Rozek@GMX.De>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 1:01 PM
Subject: Q: file specification syntax for Win32, MacOS, UNIX?

> Good evening!
> For some platform-independent code, I need the syntax of file
> specifications (including volumes and folders) for Win32, Mac
> OS and UNIX platforms.
> Does anybody have a pointer  to such information?  I searched
> the web but without success (it seems to be too basic for be-
> ing published on a web page...)
> Thanks in advance for your effort!
> Andreas Rozek         Phone:  ++49 (711) 6770682
> Kirschblütenweg 15    Fax:    -
> D-70569 Stuttgart     EMail:  Andreas.Rozek@T-Online.De
> Germany               URL: