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On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 07:42:21AM -0500, Terry Bayne wrote:
> Dan,

> If and when you get time, any chance you could zip all this stuff up so we
> could look at it?

I admit to having gone a bit quiet on this front -- I have been working
rather hard on some other commitments :(

As it stands, I need to clean up the tarball I took of my site, remove the
confidential pages etc, and generally clean it up a bit, then I'll post it

In the meantime, attached to this email are the source files to the ISAPI
filter (just none of the accompanying lua)



Daniel Silverstone                     
Hostmaster, Webmaster, and Chief Code Wibbler          Digital-Scurf Unlimited
GPG Public key available from            KeyId: 20687895
God doesn't play dice.
		-- Albert Einstein

Attachment: isapi-code.tar.gz
Description: Binary data