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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Goodey []
> Subject: Re: about the final version
> Others have got there before me on the details - thanks Brett 
> and Paul. I 
> prefer it in the "real" code rather than as a script because 
> then it is likely 
> to be maintained as part of the code base, rather than always 
> being an "after 
> the event" add on. As a side effect, it serves as 
> documentation within the 
> headers and code as to which functions are API, and which are 
> internal.

Moreover, in environments like ours, we have one source
tree for "external" libraries and packages that are 
basically intended to be untouched.  We don't have to
expend any resources (other than diskspace) on documenting
or maintaining "external" packages. 

The idea is that if something is in external, it should
be no different than some public package.

If we modify a package in any way, we move it to our
non-external branch and one of our developers is tasked
to be the internal contact for that package and to
maintain "our version" of that package.

Currently, Lua is not in our external tree and the
only reason it is not is because we have to run
a script to add LUA_API and extern "C"'s to header
files.  It would be nice if we didn't have to do
